News Wrap: Trump’s latest travel ban blocked by federal judge

Twitter hid Trump’s tweet that mocked CNN, citing copyright, after the social media platform marked it ‘manipulated media’

Trump’s latest travel ban blocked by federal judge

The president responded to by stating, “At some point, I fight back, and it won’t be quite.”

In turn, McCain stated, “I have actually dealt with tougher enemies.”

In Afghanistan, Taliban battles and shootings left at least 74 people dead today. The worst was Paktika province in the east, where two car bombs killed lots, consisting of the provincial cops chief, and injured more than 100 others. Taliban militants likewise staged attacks in the south and west of the country.

In Syria, militia forces backed by the U.S. say they have retaken the Islamic State group’s de facto capital. The city of Raqqa had been under ISIS control given that 2014 The fight to recapture it began in June. Today, Kurdish-led fighters commemorated as they moved into the city. The U.S. military said 90 percent of Raqqa has actually been taken, with pockets of militants staying.

There’s word that U.S. airstrikes in Yemen killed dozens of Islamic State fighters on Monday. The strikes were obviously performed by drones. The Pentagon states the targets were training camps for employees.

In Northern Iraq, Kurdish forces withdrew from more territory today, as Iraqi government soldiers advanced. It came on the heels of the Kurds’ elect self-reliance. Federal forces and allied militia had already required the Kurds to leave the area around Kirkuk and its oil fields.

Iraq’s prime minister said that paves the way for talks.


Meanwhile, the president of Iraqi Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, insisted that the referendum will not be in vain.

Another 10,000 to 15,000 Rohingya Muslims left Buddhist Myanmar for Bangladesh over the weekend. Drone video showed snaking lines of refugees making the trek to already crowded camps. Lots of informed of towns torched by mobs and soldiers. Others said they were starved out of their houses.

Back in this nation, a brand-new fire broke out in the San Francisco Bay Area, just as teams had actually made major development versus other fires in Northern California. Thick smoke billowed from the brand-new website early today, as it burned through forests in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Weary fire teams stated they’re calling in more assistance.


President Trump’s total wealth has actually taken a hit, as his New York real estate loses some of its appeal.

Microsoft co-founder Expense Gates again tops the list.

And on Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average traded above 23,000 for the very first time.

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